June 08, 2021


How Strefa CNC is carrying about environmental protection, so what we are exactly doing?

In Strefa CNC we believe that a little step is basic to a bigger change. Every day we are getting used to improving the situation of the planet earth, by taking little steps which in long term perspective are the bigger change for the environment. We choose consciously a product and producer of promotional gadgets and articles for the office. E.g. Choosing business cards and letterhead for our team we used solutions of printing house ChromaDruk. We choose products printed on a paper Nautilius Classic, the Nautilius Classic is a paper that comes in 100% from recycling and has got an FCA certificate.

Wich other steps we take for being more eco-friendly?

Before renovating our machines we clean them completely. Cleaning machines we are using an ecological solution which is cleaning by dry ice. Below is a short description of this solution, more we could find in another article only about that topic.

Cleaning by the dry ice we eliminate using detergents and pollutants which are necessary for cleaning by other methods. This is the best method for cleaning this surface which can not be clean by sandblasting or water.

Cleaning by the dry ice is doing by the continuous way, and during the lasting process are not using chemicals and solvent. By cleaning dry ice, we eliminate the formation of polluted waste like a polluted cleaning cloth. It is working this way because during cleaning by dry ice a half-product (dry ice means pellet CO2) is transformed directly from a solid to a gaseous form.

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